Friday, 18 December 2009
A BIG Hello from Chezz! I'M BACK YAY! My computer broke and I missed you all tonz but woot woot here I am at last!
Happy Christmas to all Secret Builders! We really hope you have a wonderful time! Remember to get to sleep nice and early on Christmas Eve or Santa wont come! "He knows when you are sleeping he knows when your awake he knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake la la la"
Well have you all been to the North Pole?? Nah silly billy's Chezz didn't mean like in real life eek too cold! She meant on Secret Builders?
Check out the picture I added isn't it cool? Its real pretty and everyone seems to be hanging out there so its defiantly the place to be!
Also guys check out the new Christmas and winter clothes in the shop! You will also find lots of seasonal goodies such as furniture etc. Have a look and you will love it! Such a cool ice princess outfit too which I just HAD to buy!
Put those Supershills on ya list for Santa! Become a superbuilder or just have a browse and see what you can find!
SO SO much fun and things to see on Secret Builders! Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! See you soon! :)
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
WOW Amazing!
The surprises on Secret Builders just keep coming and today I noticed something on the Quests Screen!
Check it out The Legend Of Gargoloth! This is so interesting to watch and so exciting! :) wow I love it! Click the quests icon at the top of your Secret Builders Screen to view the video of this quest.
SO much to do and see on Secret Builders if your not a member go check it out coz you SO ARE missing out! And to my Fellow Builders look forward to seeing you all soon!
Have Fun! :)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
So Exciting!!
Hey again everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I was unwell for a bit but now im feeling a lot better and im having so much fun on SB!
It was so exciting to return to find the update complete! There is so much to see! You must and I mean MUST! Invest in some Scuba Gear! Then you can really have lots of fun exploring "Nemo's Dive" They are 200 Supershills and worth every penny! theres lots more other things Super Builders and those who have purchased Supershills, will be able to do soon and new things they can now..Like have you seen Urbanopolis? Check out the bank there as its a great feature for SUPER BUILDER members!
Also in the Market Place next to Magic Bazzar you will see the Pet Shop where for a short time you will be able to add a RARE Black Dragon to your pet collection! Don't forget to buy your multiple pet permit first as I mentioned on an earlier post!
And even if your not a Super Builder right now why not ask Santa to make you one for Christmas? If he forgets then no worries you don't have to be a Super Builder to have fun theres still tonz to do! Please see my earlier post about becoming a SUPER BUILDER Or how to get SUPERSHILLS but please remember to ask your parents and let them have a look before you buy!
SO MUCH to see and do and im only telling you a little of it! Why?? Coz I don't wanna spoil your fun! Check out Secret Builders as soon as you can and see for yourself..Not a member?? OH MY GOSH your missing out! Sign up for your free account like right now!!
See you there!
(To be taken to the Buy Supershills Page or to look into becoming a Super Builder click on the high lighted words above)
Friday, 20 November 2009
Sneak Peak Of The New Version!
Hey Secret Builders. You will notice when you go on SB now that there is an option to see the new version of SB! Take notice of the warning sign as items wont be saved the sign will fill you in on all of that once you have read it just log in and away you go!
Theres lots to see so remember to really explore! I love the Music in the Market Place and the pet store is mighty cute and fab!
Theres lots to see so remember to really explore! I love the Music in the Market Place and the pet store is mighty cute and fab!
Why not go take a look or "Glide" as you can now...curious?? go see for yourself. The New Version Coming soon to our wonderful Secret Builders!
See you all soon! :)
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Night Night Pets :)
Aww isn't this so cute? look how our little pets sleep :) I just tucked mine safely in to sleep before I logged off SB.
I must add that you should have seen the announcement as you logged in today about some items that may have gone missing? if you find pets or items missing don't panic the Secret Builders Council are trying to get all the things back as we speak (Or in my case as I type!)
My little Dragon Dexter went missing too but im sure he will be back soon! They hope by the end of Thursday!
Another pet baby joined us today. I now have four. Come visit soon as they would love to meet you!
Monday, 2 November 2009
Hope you had a fab time!
Hope you all had a fab Halloween? Did you all buy loads of cool decorations for your homes on secret builders? I was really pleased with mine and I dont think that ill ever want to take them all down now! I hope a big spider comes to live in my spiders webs! me loves spiders! hehe.
By the way did you know that in the shop you can find pet permits? They are for supershills and its really cool as you can have more then one pet with one of these! See my incubator? kaytee my unicorn is soon to have a play mate YAY!
Check out a previous post to learn about pets and I really hope to see you all soon on secret builders! Pay me a visit if you can coz that skeleton in my room isnt much use for conversation!!
Speak soon!
OH OH EEEKKK look what just came onto my screen!!! MY wish was granted haha!
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Be Safe This Halloween!
Safe pumpkin carving
Always ask and adult to help you carve your Pumpkin/Jack o lantern.
• If possible, don’t use naked flames to light jack o’ lanterns – instead, use a small flashlight. If you don’t have a suitable flashlight, use a votive candle and position the jack o’ lantern well away from curtains and other flammable objects.
• Never leave it unattended or lit when you are out.
Safe Trick Or Treating.
Go with an adult and lots of friends!
Be seen at night. Plan costumes that are bright and reflective – add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags for greater visibility.
Use a torch to help light your route, and put fresh batteries in it before setting off.
Make sure to visit well lit homes.
Make sure your costume isn't to long so you are not likely to trip over!
Avoid accidents by using well-lit routes and walking on the pavement (if there’s no pavement, stick to the edge of the road and walk facing towards oncoming traffic). Cross roads at designated crossings and never cross between parked cars.
Understand that some people such as older people may not like Halloween some of those costumes can be mighty scary so if you do not get an answer at a door don't take it to heart.
Eat a good meal before you go out, As tempting as it is try not to eat all your treats at once save some for the next day!
Wrap up warm.
But most of all be safe and have lots of fun!
Always ask and adult to help you carve your Pumpkin/Jack o lantern.
• If possible, don’t use naked flames to light jack o’ lanterns – instead, use a small flashlight. If you don’t have a suitable flashlight, use a votive candle and position the jack o’ lantern well away from curtains and other flammable objects.
• Never leave it unattended or lit when you are out.
Safe Trick Or Treating.
Go with an adult and lots of friends!
Be seen at night. Plan costumes that are bright and reflective – add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags for greater visibility.
Use a torch to help light your route, and put fresh batteries in it before setting off.
Make sure to visit well lit homes.
Make sure your costume isn't to long so you are not likely to trip over!
Avoid accidents by using well-lit routes and walking on the pavement (if there’s no pavement, stick to the edge of the road and walk facing towards oncoming traffic). Cross roads at designated crossings and never cross between parked cars.
Understand that some people such as older people may not like Halloween some of those costumes can be mighty scary so if you do not get an answer at a door don't take it to heart.
Eat a good meal before you go out, As tempting as it is try not to eat all your treats at once save some for the next day!
Wrap up warm.
But most of all be safe and have lots of fun!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Halloween Fun!
Hey everyone and Happy Halloween to you all! For the first time in my life I was going to go out on Halloween I was gonna dress up and have a great time..but ive not been feeling to well so it seems I wont be able to go..But there's no need for me to be sad because I can have so much fun this Halloween in the safety of my own home whilst playing secret builders!
Have you all checked out the shop and the cool Halloween Outfits you can buy? I got a witches outfit, I so love pink and just about everything in my Secret Builders home is PINK! but just as its a special Halloween time I decorated the downstairs of my SB home check it out..
Okay so its not very scary..I bet you could all do much better!! Why not check out what cool Halloween items you can buy to decorate your home on SB. There's so much to choose from! OH OH OH and I hear this weekend will be party time!! YIPEE see now im so glad im staying in this Halloween after all!
Have fun!
REMEMBER: If you are trick or treating- Be safe on Halloween. Go with an Adult and lots of friends and wrap up warm!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Secret Builders The Place To Be!
Hey everyone. Have you payed a visit to Secret Builders today? If the answer is no get going!! Look at all the pretty decorations that were there to brighten my screen tonight! Creepy yet pretty im loving them! oooo this is so cool...and you know what if Halloween is this good I cannot wait to see what Secret Builders has in store for us at Christmas *Screams in excitement* Woot woot! See you on SB soon my friends!
Can you spot yourself in the gathering? there's a lot of us hey!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
HOT NEWS! Check this out SB Friends! Halloween Is coming to Secret Builders! Be there!
Here is a little sneak peak of the Halloween decorations that will be coming out soon on Secret Builders!
Check out the theatre we knew Halloween was gonna be awesome but im so so excited to see what more there is to come.
Check out the picture below my fellow Secret Builders, Ever seen this place before?? I thought not.... Here is another Sneak Peak of what is to come very soon! Agree with me when I say WOW!!
its oh so pretty isn't it? Creepy and pretty all in one picture I cant wait to see it for real! Please comment and share the excitement with me, I so cannot wait for Halloween on Secret Builders and I have a feeling there is so much more to come!! STAY TUNED!
Spells unleash the magic within.
Some of the wonderful members of SB tonight I noticed were getting in a fluster because someone was casting a spell on them, it got me thinking that maybe they didnt understand spells and were taking it personally. Well my friends there's no need, Casting spells is a bit of fun i am very sure its not meant meanly at all, I myself would love to get on the loading screen where it says "Users that have cast the most spells" though im a long way off yet hehe, Its fun to chase your buddies around casting spells on them and watching as they turn into a frog or maybe even a rodent!
Click on the shop icon as I mentioned before its like a little shopping trolley on the left side panel of your SB screen and you will see lots of spells for sale, see which cool ones you have enough shills to buy!
To cast a spell simply click on your buddy or a member and then their player card will come up, click the magic icon, its a little magic wand you can see I marked it on my own player card above. Then simply double click on a spell you want to cast and alakazam the magic has been released and your spell has been cast!
Have some fun if you see me around you can cast as many spells as you wish especially the rat one me really likes him what a cutie!
Click on the shop icon as I mentioned before its like a little shopping trolley on the left side panel of your SB screen and you will see lots of spells for sale, see which cool ones you have enough shills to buy!
To cast a spell simply click on your buddy or a member and then their player card will come up, click the magic icon, its a little magic wand you can see I marked it on my own player card above. Then simply double click on a spell you want to cast and alakazam the magic has been released and your spell has been cast!
Have some fun if you see me around you can cast as many spells as you wish especially the rat one me really likes him what a cutie!
Don't forget to take a spin at Geenie Jaanie!
Geenie Jaanie is home to a cool wheel of fortune! Click your world map at the top of your SB screen you cant miss it its a little icon of a globe. Then choose Magic bazaar. Here you will see Geenie Jaanie enter and you can click on the wheel of fortune! Check out the picture to see how cool it could be depending what you land on..take ya chances and spin away, I won a small Christmas tree today cool! You can only spin once a day so remember to keep coming back!
Halloween is almost here! Check these masks out!

I cannot wait for Halloween on Secret Builders! It's gonna RAWK!
Check out this glimpse we have of new masks that are coming soon. I hear too that there maybe a party and item giveaways and more this Halloween on Secret Builders. You really cant miss it! BE THERE! To read more and for other Secret Builders new visit the community and have a read.

You begin with the first quest on the screen wisdom and courage, as you progress through quests you will earn items that help to aid you in future quests this is why some will say unavailable as you should complete others first to get an item to help you later on.
You may at first feel a little daunted or confused whilst playing your quest but take your time there's no timer or rush on it, and you can always cancel a quest at anytime by clicking a red cross seen at the lower part of your screen where your text bar is you type in to chat, No worries you can always click on quests again later and come back to the one you are having a break from!
We are all great on Secret Builders so im sure someone will do their best to help you if you need it.
Also on the lower screen near your chat bar you can see a hint icon this will also help you along the way by giving you hints if you are really stuck.
They really are a fun edition to Secret Builders and im sure it wont be long before more quests open! Check them out next time you log in if you having already. Really stuck on a quest? look out for me Ill do my very best to help as I will with any other help you need on SB! Look out for Chezzabella im normally all over the place having fun so keep ya eyes open!

One of my fave games Alice's Restaurant!

Though you do have to be quite quick with their orders and keeping them happy it isn't a stressful game once you have the hang of it it's a breeze. It earns you shills and activity points and its so cool!
The rabbits look so cute as they hop out of the restaurant, or shout "Hey" and put their arms in the air when they are ready to order. What I find funny is some rabbits leave the money on the table to pay and hop off but others wait till you have collected the money! What good little rabbits! This is a MUST see game on Secret Builders I think its FAB!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
The wonder of the shills!

Shills can be earned for free on Secret Builders These are shown at the top of your games screen as you hover your mouse over it you will see the words "Bag o Shills" You earn shills from playing games and completing quests! As you can see I have a few so far and im trying hard to earn them!
Many items in the shop can be brought using the shills we earn for free though some items of course have to be brought with Super Shills You can buy these check out a previous post of mine for details! Have lots of fun playing games and quests and earn your shills at the same time! FAB!
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Places to go..

There is so much to see, these are only two of the WONDEFUL locations to visit on secret builders and can be accessed by the world map icon at the top of your screen! Not visited yet? What you waiting for? get going!!
Becoming a member on Secret Builders.

Becoming a member on Secret Builders is free! you are able to buy many cool items and do many cool things, but there is an option to become a paying member.
See the photo above for details, you can view this properly on secret builders here
its really cool and worth looking into.
If you dont become a paying member you can still play quests and earn silver shills but you will not have all the benefits a Super Builder member would have.

Wee-pets are so cool! As you can see ive been so busy doing my blog I have forgotten about my poor little pet and her happiness is going down...but never fear I shall tell you about the icons and how to stop this happening!
Once you have a pet (I shall tell you how to buy in a bit!) you will recieve an egg! this will appear in your home and there it shall stay looking all pretty till its ready to hatch! Next to its little nest you shall see a green button you can press this once your nest has arrived and check on how your egg is doing! After a while a pet is hatched! how cute! when it hatches you can even choose to have a pet party where you can hatch it with your friends, I personally shared this special moment just me and Kaytee but im sure it could be a cool event!
Once hatched you can click on your pet and you will see some icons on the right as I have on my picture above.
STICKS: If you do not play with your pet its happiness will go down, but this can be solved by clicking on the stick icon on the right, click on the stick and a panel on the right will open then double click the next stick icon then click a place in the room and your stick will get thrown there! off your little pet will go to collect the stick and bring it back to you! how cool and oh oh so sweet! your pet will be happy in no time!
FOOD: See the little food bowl icon? do as before like you did with the stick to feed your pet, the great thing is your food never runs out so all you have to do is remember to feed and your pet will be most pleased!
ZZZZ'z: This is the icon to let your pet rest, all of the actions for your pet can only be accessed from your home especially this one as thats where your pets bed is kept! Click the Zzz'z and your pet will go and snuggle! No need to wake him he will arise when he has had enough sweetdreams!
WING: This icon has a real cool feature, click this and your pet will travel around Secret Builders with you! He will follow you on your adventures and you will have so much fun! Just remember to go home at times to feed play and let your pet sleep! Making your pet follow you improves its HEALTH!
Pets can be found by clicking the shopping basket icon from the left side of your secret builders screen. When you press this you will see a icon saying PETS click this and the following screen should appear.

Note when you click on an egg sometimes a blue box will appear and it will tell you the cost, these are the items you can buy with your SILVER SHILLS. These are the ones we earn and collect for free. If you was to collect an egg and it came up as a purple box with a GOLD SHILL these are the Super Shills you can buy or become a member to recieve.
We shall look at shills on this blog later but now you know how to buy and hatch a pet! Go ahead its so much fun!
NOTE: Members who pay each month can have more then one pet, Silver shill earners cannot unless they buy a licence from the pet store which is sadly sold out but hey one is cool! Take a look find out! And look into being a member its GREAT value!!
Secret Builders Fun Fun Fun!

Sadly my time on the website ended and since then I have had nothing but a struggle to find a virtual world that I like.
I am VERY happy to say that I stumbled across Secret Builders and it has been a blast! So much to do and see! I am having so much fun! I so far have hardly had a chance to chat as ive been so busy doing quests and playing games!
Anyways nice to meet you all and please keep watching my blog ill be helping all I can with secret builders as my journey continues!
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Blog Archive
- Be Safe This Halloween!
- Halloween Fun!
- Secret Builders The Place To Be!
- HOT NEWS! Check this out SB Friends! Halloween Is ...
- Spells unleash the magic within.
- Don't forget to take a spin at Geenie Jaanie!
- Halloween is almost here! Check these masks out!
- Quests
- One of my fave games Alice's Restaurant!
- The wonder of the shills!
- Places to go..
- Becoming a member on Secret Builders.
- Pets!
- Secret Builders Fun Fun Fun!